Tomorrow is my last day at SketchPost! 2 years and 6 months in, new work pass policies pretty much forced the hand and pushed me out, (no thanks to Covid-19). What a bittersweet and really chaotic way to say goodbye!
They sent flowers and a lovely card.
I definitely would’ve wanted to stay on. These insane endtimes don’t really inspire willing unemployment and risk-taking. But ah, it is what it is. And maybe in the grand scheme of things, it was time for me to move on. All in all, I am grateful for the time spent with the team.
I learned a new skill in graphic recording, new tricks with hand-written typography, layout and even just listening. I got some practice managing client expectations and extending myself versus setting boundaries. Not to mention some of the actual content that I was PAID to listen to and internalise; all the people and accents from around the world I got to chat with. 80% of the job is listening so the work is like a giant exercise of empathy and sympathy.
On personal note, most critically, I also picked up a lot of speed in drawing. Momentum that I definitely wouldn’t have reached if I was juggling illustration with a regular design job. The goodbye felt sudden, but I’m grateful.
Compare the first graphic recording I made (just the right side of the graphic. My colleague Van drew her portion on the left side), to this one I drew myself yesterday:
I’m proud of my progress! Posting it here for anybody who happens by this blog to see, but most importantly to remind myself of the nature of growth, the next time I get down on myself, ha!
To SketchPost nerds who might be reading this: Thank you friends! I’ll see you online, and whenever the borders reopen <3