Eggs Rothko and the Amazing Cheddar Blanket

This time last week I was vacationing in the States- taking an extremely well-planned but economically poorly timed trip to play bridesmaid to one of the most awesome people I know--

My friend Rina got hitched this spring! It was a sincere, heartfelt wedding (score for team Jesuit, beeteedubs), with impeccable taste. It meant the world to be a part of her special day.

I digress. The trip was 2 weeks long, but this post isn't about the whole trip, or her fab wedding. It's a breakfast review -brunch if you're lazy- for one of my favourite meals during my brief, American sojourn. I cannot rave enough over the food I ate at this place. Egg was AMAZING.

I ate there twice, but only managed to properly snap a shot of my second meal. For this breakfast, I ordered Eggs Rothko with a side of bacon. Behold!

Those broiled tomatoes were especially delicious- tart and juicy. The bacon was crispy and salty-rich. 

But wait, I muttered. Where's the egg? I inspected the toast. It was snugly tucked away, nestled inside a thick slab of buttery brioche toast, runny and golden underneath a melted blanket of cheddar cheese. Oh, my heart. (Seriously. It was amazing, but for the sake of your health, you'd better move afterwards. Southern food doesn't joke with butter.)

I sliced through the toast and the yolk ran out, pooling around the cheddar oils and lapping up against the crust. I assembled 'the perfect bite', neatly piling on a bit of toast-cheddar-yolk-tomato-bacon onto my fork. NOM. My brain was singing.

I've had dreams of breakfasts like this. Safe to say, I was doing a joyous butt wiggle in my seat throughout my entire meal.

Pre-breakfast doodles with the paper table lining and crayons <3 What's not to love about this place??

Pre-breakfast doodles with the paper table lining and crayons <3 What's not to love about this place??

Much love to Jam, Jarrod and Kelly for making this meal possible. Good GOD.

Much love to Jam, Jarrod and Kelly for making this meal possible. Good GOD.

You may regret it&nbsp;but&nbsp;pain is temporary, my friends.&nbsp;

You may regret it but pain is temporary, my friends. 

If you're ever in Brooklyn, check them out and top your morning with Blue Bottle coffee.

I'd fly back in a heartbeat. <3