
The lovely Gina Romero asked me to draw up a present for her friend Danielle, who just launched BulletProof- Building Better Employee Benefits.

This was a lot of fun because not only was the brief very open, but it was also quite simple and straightforward: Gina wanted to illustrate Danielle as a superhero of her cause. The style was largely up to me, but her only requests were typing up "The Power Woman or Protection" (from a private joke, apparently<:) on the top, and that a letter P be on Danielle's cat-suited chest.

This letter P naturally had me do up some super girl style costumes, but looking at Danielle's style, I began leaning towards a sort of Emma Peel look instead of the waving cape. I shared these thoughts with Gina and did some quick sketches of her to review.


I took my colour palette from photos of Danielle as well, and did the typography up with some old comic-book-style flair. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out (and thankfully so was Danielle! :)
